Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Length and Breadth of it: Game Completion Requirements

I now have a new-found respect for those poor designers who sit at their computer with their design documents open, saying 'Right, so what do those poor suckers have to do to finish my game?'

The reason I bring this up is that I'm currently completing a checklist of 'must-do's' to get from city to city in my Interactive Writing assignment for my game, Bloodlust - Curse of the Knight-King Sword.


Five pages! Five! That's not INCLUDING the eight pages I started with, or the pretty pictures I photoshopped together. Gah! I've somehow got to work in five sacrifices, seven cities (with librarians and barkeeps), a nutty prince (cue Hamlet), twins and an evil sword. What a nightmare! As much as I love this game and would probably play it forever myself, lordy it's a juggernaut!

Then there's the side missions, the bane of every gaming perfectionist. Those of you who have played the Chocobo racing side-mission in Final Fantasy X know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Thankfully, I haven't made mine too easy or too difficult, though the rewards are pretty good (gold and potions? Thank YOU Mr. Walter P. Smythe!<- a Deal or no Deal joke).

That's the real issue with RPGs, especially when you use real-time strategy elements. There's just so much you need to think about, need to incorporate. In the midst of all this, I also need to write some more of my *counts quickly* three books (one I'm co-authoring), study for an exam, write some more journal entries and complete my design history journal. Oy.

So to all those RPG designers, I take my pretty purple hisbiscus hairclip off to you, you wonderful people you. You're absolutely crazy.

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