Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quill Games - more than a dream?

Well, I've just about HAD IT with the big game companies sending me polite rejection letters or not replying at all. How on earth are you meant to get the experience if you can't get a job to get it?

So I've solved the problem. I'm going to start my own game company.

Quill Games was going to be my end-goal, but since I can't seem to get to my first blasted goal, I thought I might as well shoot for the moon. I've been hard at work on a business plan this morning, as well as working on the design document for the first Facebook game I want to release on it.

Now I just have to get more people interested in joining me.

The idea is that the studio will be completely manned by students, with games produced by the students. This way, the designers and artists get games under their belts while real companies can come in and "head-hunt" the graduates they like. Maybe I can even organise some pep talks with local indie companies!

Suddenly, it's not such a bad idea.

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