Thursday, May 6, 2010

GameOn Program: Portfolio Presentation

Well, for all of you who didn't realise it was going on, QUT's GameOn series has had it's last event for the semester - Iron Dev. In response to a challenge put forward by Morgan Jaffit, my little two-man team representing Quill Games came up with a cute little piece called Frankie, Jr.

The night was a great hit - we got to see the kind of games being developed by other small studios and student groups. We got great feedback from the panel about the game and made some really good friends in the crowd. A shout out to Isaac, who I spent an exorbitant amount of time with discussing Square Enix games and various anime.

In other news, it looks like I have a sound engineer for Quill Games should the need arise. A few of my former classmates have rallied in the absence of paying work in the form of screw-this-we'll-just-go-it-alone mentality. Thus far, we're not doing too badly. I may have to shelve my epic RPG Heavenly Legion for a while, though.

Finally, I've just found out the saddest news - Vincent D'Onofrio is leaving Law & Order: Criminal Intent. This is the end of an era. He really is phenomenal as Det. Robert 'Bobby' Goren and the thought of not having him on the show is heart-breaking. So from all your loyal fans, Vincent, thanks for making the show amazing. We wish you well in your future endeavours... BUT PLEASE DON'T GO!