Saturday, April 5, 2008

Physicality in Games - Next-Gen consoles

It seems to me that not so long again, the Sega Master System II was the height of cool. Alex Kidd in Miracle World was considered awesome and Echo the Dolphin was the new hero of the age.

At the same time, that all seems so long ago.

Nowadays, a console isn't complete unless it has a wireless controller, requires you to fling yourself about the room with abandon, trying out-wit the AI that seems to be doing a quite accomplished job of handing your buttocks to you on a silver platter.

Not that long ago, we were all stuck to the console via a wired-in controller (and those who still their Playstation 2 will still be experiencing this), following the same structured routine to do in the same boss you whupped two days ago.

I've experienced both sides of this. I own a Wii, a DS, a Sega and a Playstation 2. Since I bought the Wii, I've noticed several things. The first and foremost thing is there is such an injury as Wii-shoulder. It falls in the same category as Tennis Elbow. Plus it's painful.

More on this later. Right now, I could use a coffee...

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